Touch customer with your native APK and APP for make easy customer to check product services what your bussiness do.with native APK APP you can upload it on google play store or app store , we develope native project and then you can upload it on your developer account with your ID, with your own account you can free for insert title and description about your APK APP for inform to customer about your APK before they download your APK APP on google play store or app store.

We are develope and build APK APP with template design, for standard the you can order we APK APP services with one page inform or order standard package with 4 categories page including inform and 4 product services information

We using modern technology to build native APK APP , Flutter feat Dart is a modern and popular for using build this apps, and Ionic feat cordova with angular is simple to make your real native apps.

Lets develope your APK and upload it on google play store and APP store.

developer APK APP
developer APK APP


If you need for all in one integration on online clouds based with web apps technology you can order we Full package online. this is new powerfull integration cross platform online shop , website , blogs, web app point of sale , backend APK APP , front end APK APP , all in one integration in one databased make easy for using transaction and check report details about your bussiness.
build APK APP services
build APK APP services
build APK APP services
build APK APP services
build APK APP services
build APK APP services

How this technology work ?? with order full online package set you can use a landing pages website for make inform about your product services including online shop to display all your product and services, with online shop you can handle order customer with alert on email , and for fast transaction cashier handle customer on store you can using web app point of sale for fast transaction , all in one online shop website and web app pos cashier integration details , complete features with inventori management, product based support with barcode and variant of product , pos transaction using barcode or touchscreen mode, income profit report details. Plus backend APK for update and create new product or article post blog on your android smartphone , frontend APK APP for customer download on google play store / app store for using transaction on APK APP.

Payment Online : for accept and support online world order for first you must need to register on stripe online payment, after you register you can insert ID stripe on APK APP and online shop, stripe work with using your account integration on your bank or card for customer transaction, stripe make fast transaction for customer order.

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